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May 19, 2020 2 min read

Let’s be honest, eating healthy can be a difficult discipline to get into... and especially difficult to maintain on vacation. Yes, vacation is a time to unwind and enjoy, but that doesn’t necessarily mean completely let yourself go. Life is all about balance, here are our tips for maintaining a healthy gut on vacation!

Drink LOTS of Water

It may seem obvious, but drinking water is often one of the first things to go when we are functioning in a different routine. Staying hydrated can help balance bacteria in your gut and is one of the simplest steps to take to promote gut health.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Packing fresh fruit and veggies is a great way to stay full while traveling. Avoiding having to settle for gas station or airport snacks is also a big plus!

Don't Forget About Your Greens

Speaking of vegetables, be sure to get them anywhere you can. Ordering a side of greens with that meal at your favorite restaurant is a great way to ensure that you are not depriving your gut of the nutrients it thrives on.

 Stay Active

Try to keep moving any way you can. Take the stairs, go sight-seeing on foot, or even go out for a run! If you are in a hotel or resort with a gym, challenge yourself to get moving at least a few times during your stay. A body in motion stays in motion. Not to mention, you will have more energy to enjoy your vacation!

Get Good Rest

Finally, it’s important to rest up! This is the time to unwind, reduce stress and recharge. Getting good sleep is great for your overall health, gut included!

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